
Access the Webcast by completing the form below

  1. All the fields are required.
  2. Make a note of your password (important)
  3. Click the green LOG IN button to be directed to the webcast screen.

Password must be at least 7 characters long.

Following successful registration, you will be automatically redirected to the Live Webcast screen. This may take a few seconds so please be patient.

Note: The live stream will not start until 30 min. before the scheduled start time on the day of the event.


Instructions for First Time Access:

  1. Once this screen is visible, fill in your details in the box above, using any Unique Password of your choice.
  2. (Important: make a note of this password as you may need it again to Re-Login later, in case you logged off the webcast during a break.)
  3. Once all the details are correctly entered, click the LOG IN button.
  4. You will now be automatically directed to the webcast screen.
  Only For Viewers who need to Re-LOGIN

  1. Enter your login details as follows:
  2. Use the email address you used to originally access the webcast
  3. The password will be the one you chose when first accessing this webcast
  4. Click the Green Re-Login button to be directed to the webcast screen.

Important Instructions

  1. Your Username is the Email Address you used to first login.
  2. The Password will be the one you chose during your first Login.
  3. if the message on the above form says “you are already logged in” you can go directly to the Webcast Screen using the WEBCAST link on the Top Menu